excel 大樂透二星,印出組數,三種不同的結果
Function 大樂二星組數()
Set shtTmp = Sheets("temp1")
For i = 1 To 48
For j = i + 1 To 49
'shtTmp.Cells(i, j - 1) = i & "組" & j
'shtTmp.Cells(j - 1, i) = i & "組" & j
shtTmp.Cells(j - i, i) = i & "組" & j
Next j
Next i
End Function
Set shtTmp = Sheets("temp1")
For i = 1 To 48
For j = i + 1 To 49
'shtTmp.Cells(i, j - 1) = i & "組" & j
'shtTmp.Cells(j - 1, i) = i & "組" & j
shtTmp.Cells(j - i, i) = i & "組" & j
Next j
Next i
End Function